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A worshipping, loving and welcoming community, joyfully sharing God's gift

For over 160 years this parish has been a vital part of the community of Spryfield. We have experienced much change in the Anglican Communion and in the Parish. It is hoped that the future will hold new growth, and that we will continue to be receptive to all the changes that may be necessary to keep our family strong and united in our goal.

We remind each other and the world that "God is with us."

The following is a poem written by Jane Borthwick that was included in the Emmanuel Church, Spryfield Annual Report for 1949 and continues to be relevant today.


Come labour on,
Who dares stand idle on the harvest plain,
While all around him waves the golden grain.
And to each servant does the Master say,
"Go work today."

Come, labour on.
Claim the high calling angels cannot share.
To young and old the Gospel gladness bear;
Redeem the time; its hours too swiftly fly.
The night draws nigh.

Come, labour on.
Away with gloomy doubts and faithless fear!
No arm so weak but may do service here;
By feeblest agents may our God fulfill
His righteous will.

Come, labour on.
No time for rest, till glows the western sky,
While the long shadows o’er our pathway lie,
And a glad sound comes with the setting sun,
" Servants, well done."

Sunday School

Sunday school is held every Sunday in the Sunday school room in the basement of the church for children to learn Spiritual development, play and do activities.

Sunday School – Spiritual Development Team 
Teachers – Roxanne Jesso, Jessica Jesso 


Rector - 

Retired Priests -Rev. Charles Bull,  Rev. Ed Coleman & Rev. Janet Hatt
Deacon - Reverend Mary Wilkie (retired)

Greeters & Sidespersons – Allen Johnson, coordinator
Offertory Counters - , coordinator
Layreaders -  (leader), Betty Bowdridge, Carol MacDonnell, Elizabeth Mahoney, Avon Fancy, Barb Patterson, Allen Johnson, Donald Cameron. 
Life in the Eucharist and Confirmation – Alternating annually if required.

Organist, Choir Leader – Treena MacDonald 
Readers – Diane Parsons, coordinator 
Sanctuary Guild – Sarah Durnford, coordinator 
Servers Guild – Elizabeth Mahoney, leader
St. Elizabeth’s Baptismal Preparation – 

Webmaster - Donald Cameron (


Rector - 

Wardens – Allen Johnson & Sandra Whitehead

Treasurer – Wendy Graham

Parish Council Secretary - Cecile Leverman

Members-at-Large –  Sarah Durnford, Barb Patterson, Keith Lefrense, Linda Hindle, Brenda Kirby, Roxanne Petrossie, Joe Ledger and Sharon Ledger

Cemetery Committee – Sandra Whitehead 
Pastoral Care Team - Rev. Michelle Bull

Property – 

Safer Church - Allen Johnson

Spiritual Development Team – Reverend Michelle Bull

ACW - Clara Purcell

ELF - Alecta Jollimore

Mothers' Union - Barb Patterson

Food Bank – Liz Mahoney, 902-477-1954. ATTN: this number will only be available to receive calls on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9:00-10:30 AM.

Synod Delegates – Barb Patterson and Liz Mahoney; Alternate - Carol MacDonnell and Sarah Durnford

Regional Council Rep - Allen Johnson

Envelope Secretaries - Diane Parsons (405-1374) & Roxanne Petrossie
Finance Committee - Rev. Michelle Bull, chair 



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