Priest in Charge Rev. Canon Brenda Clark
To watch Service livestreamed go to our live streaming page
Welcome To
Emmanuel Anglican Church
322 Herring Cove Road Spryfield, Nova Scotia B3R 1V4
902-477-1783 Email:
Also check out our facebook page go to
our Live Streaming page and click on the link
We are also an affirming parish and semi wheelchair accessible
To Donate to the church through Canadahelps click the link below:
Church Schedule and Announcements at the Bottom of Page. Community Events on Events Page
We are now able to accept Offerings and Donations by E-Transfer. If you have electronic banking set up through your bank, you can transfer funds to; no password is needed. To receive a receipt, please indicate if it is an Offering or a Donation in the comment box, and include your name and address. If you are making a Memorial Donation, also include the name of the person the donation is in memory of.
Our Sunday morning worship services are at 8:00am (BCP) and 10:00 am (BAS with music and livestreaming). We are continuing to stream our worship services on this site and plan to continue indefinitely. We have posted the liturgies we're using under our "livestreaming" category in the bar above if you wish to follow along as you watch and participate more fully.
We as a church community remain committed to caring for one another, as always. Our methods might change, but the loving care remains. As our situation and our guidelines shift constantly, I have every confidence in your creativity in finding ways to care for one another.
I pray for you all and I know you pray for each other. God bless you all and know that you are loved! Big (virtual) hugs to all.
Rev. Michelle
We, the parish family of Emmanuel Anglican Church, in Spryfield, Nova Scotia, have been faithfully serving this community since 1853.
Along with our worship services each Sunday, we are home to an outlet of Feed Nova Scotia, Brownie groups, Narcotic Anonymous and a very popular YMCA exercise program (Forever Young).
Come in, come in and sit down,
You are a part of the family!
We are lost and we are found
And we are a part of the family!
We welcome all to worship with us on Sundays:
8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10am Holy Eucharist (BAS)
10am- Sunday School (from September to May)
The 4th Sunday of every month we have a Family Eucharist at 10am, with the young people taking part in the service that is a more informal form of the liturgy and features contemporary music.
This service is followed by a time of fellowship
In The Parish
Monday August 5...... 10:00am YMCA "Forever Fit" (Upper Hall)
Tuesday August 6..... 6:30pm N/A (Upper Hall)
Wednesday August 7... 10:00am YMCA "Forever Fit" (Upper Hall)
6:30am N/A (Upper Hall)
Thursday August 8.....
Friday August 9..... 10:00am YMCA "Forever Fit" (Upper Hall)
Saturday August 10....
Sunday August 11..... 12th Sunday After Pentecost
8:00am Holy Communion BCP
10:00am Family Service / Fellowship Time (Live Streamed)
5:30 Dinner Theatre Practice
Monday August 13...... 10:00am YMCA "Forever Fit" (Upper Hall)
Tuesday August 14..... 6:30pm N/A (Upper Hall)
Wednesday August 15.... 10:00am YMCA "Forever Fit" (Upper Hall)
6:30am N/A (Upper Hall)
Thursday August 16.....
Friday August 17..... 10:00am YMCA "Forever Fit" (Upper Hall)
Saturday August 18...
Sunday August 19..... 13th Sunday After Pentecost
8:00am Holy Communion BCP
10:00am Holy Eucharist BAS / Fellowship Time (Live Streamed)
5:30pm Dinner Theatre Practice
Easter Memorials were made to Emmanuel Church
in loving memory of:
Robert Patterson, Gordon Durnford, Raymond Wilkie, Bonnie Lohnes, Joan Schnare, Gerald and Gladys Wilkie, Betty Bowdridge, Ron Smith, Robert “Butch” Smith, Douglas Parsons, Kim Parsons, Emily and Hebert Hill, Donna Hill, Herbert, George, and Harvey Hill, Shirley Richey, David Richey, James (Uncle Jim) Richey, Donald, Caroline, and William Brushett, Mark and Beth Anne Kirby
Easter Memorials were made to Emmanuel Cemetery
in loving memory of:
Art and Mable Whitehead, Heather Whitehead, René Quigley, Sid and Laura Kidston, Dorothy and Ken Brundage, John Backman, Terry Drysdale
The Church’s New Foundation: As most of us are aware, the church foundation is beginning to crumble. We are not in any danger of falling down in the near future, but Parish Council has voted to make repairs, as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this is a very labour intensive process and is going to be quite costly, possibly as much as $50,000. We are applying for grants and so on, but we would also like to give everyone the opportunity of helping to shore up the foundation. If you would like to help, please make a donation, of whatever amount you want, to the foundation fund. Cheques payable to Emmanuel Church but make sure to include Foundation on the envelope and your envelope number or address so we can send you a receipt. Thanks very much.
Volunteers Needed: Are you interested in getting a bit more involved.
Many of our committees need some new members, Spiritual Development, Property, Cemetery. We are also looking for some new servers and new people to help with our phone calling ministry. These are opportunities for you to learn some new skills, make new friends, and help the church. If there is something else you’d like to do, speak to Rev. Michelle. New ideas are always welcome.
Food Bank: With new clients every week and a total of 224 monthly clients, the Food Bank is in need of food or money donations. We are going to make another food tower in the church during May. We need anything, especially peanut butter, crackers, any kind of pasta, cookies, Kraft Dinner, soup, pasta sauce, rice, juice (non-refrigerated), cereal, canned beans in sauce, tuna, hygiene products (but not drugs). Actually everything. Please help as you are able and feel free to spread the word to your neighbours. Drop off Sunday morning or Tuesday morning before 11 am. We also need bags to carry the food, jars for pickles. Thanks! Feel free to share this to your Facebook groups.
New Opportunities: Our church has several committees of council: Cemetery, Pastoral Care, Property, Safer Church, Spiritual Development. We also have several groups, like Mothers’ Union, Emmanuel Ladies’ Fellowship, Coffee Break, Prayer Group, and others. If you are interested in getting to know your fellow church members better and in contributing to the church and maybe learning new skills and stretching yourself a little, consider joining one of these. All groups can use new members. If you’d like to start a group or help with a project, speak to Rev. Michelle
Movie Afternoon: Come and watch The Chosen, a TV series about the life of Jesus. It is very well done and, in my opinion, really captures who Jesus was. We will watch one or two episodes and then discuss. Sarah Durnford has graciously agreed to host us. She can host 10 people, so please let her know if you’re coming. This will be held on Wednesday afternoons, 2 – 4 pm, starting on February 7.
Fundscript: Today, after the 8:00 and 10:00 Services, Treena and Cécile will be answering questions about Fundscript. It is a fundraiser where you buy regular gift cards for a specific popular store/restaurant through our Church. There’s no extra cost to you (the buyer) and Emmanuel Church gets a percentage of the proceeds. There are gift cards from a large selection of stores and restaurants available.
Upcoming Community Events
The food bank is in need of pasta, kraft dinner and soups. Any non-perishables would be greatly appreciated. Any donations is greatly appreciated. Also with the Holiday Season approaching we are looking for volunteers to help with the Christmas boxes, any help is greatly appreciated.
We are always in need of volunteers to help out in various areas of the church.
Server Training: If anyone would like to become a server, we will be starting training early in October. Just speak to Rev. Michelle or Liz Mahoney
HOME COMMUNIONS: If you know anyone from this parish who is unable for health reasons to come to church and would like a home communion, please let Rev. Michelle know.
Church Choir
Our organist and choir are always happy to welcome new members. Anyone wishing to join the church choir can attend practices which are held every Saturday morning at 10:00am in the church.